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Our sweet contribution for the Santobono hospital

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If you know that the heart animates every action of our daily work, you can imagine with what joy yesterday we took part in the San Carlo Theatre in the charity initiative, dedicated to the largest pediatric hospital in Southern Italy, the Santobono Pausilipon. A concert followed by an event in the hall of mirrors, whose proceeds were donated to 50%. 
A magical evening, made even more special by the Christmas atmosphere, in which we took part together with seven other pastry chefs, who lent their work for a noble cause: the purchase of a mobile ultrasound machine for the RUN, a multidisciplinary group involving the departments of Radiology, Urology and Nephrology, engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of young patients suffering from malformations of the urinary tract.
Thanks to the generosity of many people involved, the dream of Rosemary Manilia and those who fought and fights, continues to live and we are proud to feed it with our small contribution, to give a hand with sweetness to those who fight every day for the health of children.