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The Sfogliatella Santarosa with Pansa at I Soliti Ignoti

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From the great stage of the Amalfi Coast to the big audience of the small screen: the sfogliatella Santarosa crosses more and more borders and lands on TV on "I Soliti Ignoti"!
Well yes, we were among the protagonists of the episode of the Rai1 TV game show aired last night. Nicola was among the unknowns, identified as "He who makes Sfogliatella Santarosa." 
It was a fun experience that gave us the opportunity to introduce our sfogliatella, born in Conca de Marini, to the TV audience as well, not only by telling about it on TV through stills as well, but also by preparing it in the studio and allowing those present to taste it on the spot as well, even making a gift of it to the host Amadeus.